Bec Wonders Bec Wonders

Why Sisterhood is both Powerful and Difficult: notes on female friendship

Female friendship promises a revolution amongst feminists, but this ignores the very real events of betrayal, heartbreak and conflict between women. Any woman who has been active in the women’s movement will recognize that sisterhood is not effortless. The expectations we place on our own female friendships, particularly amongst feminists, can result in painful consequences and rifts within the movement.

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Bec Wonders Bec Wonders

Why Women’s Presses Are Needed Now More Than Ever

Even though there are more women writers today than ever before, and even though the publishing industry is comprised of a female majority, stories about women protagonists written by women writers almost never win literary prizes or gain the same momentum as their male counterparts. Why is this? What happens when mainstream publishers are not critical of the male framework within which “serious” literature is judged, and women are expected to adapt to male models and theories about writing?

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